Fiona Millard

College News
29 March 2019

Dr Millard looks forward to the opportunity to contribute to the Governance of general practice by nominating for a position on the board of RNZCGP. She offers many years of general practice experience in a wide range of settings, and has undertaken governance training as part of previous board memberships.  

Dr Millard is an Otago graduate and a dedicated GP who has worked in both remote rural and city practices, currently at Hutt Union Community Health Centre, Wellington.

As a general practitioner, she sat the RCGP exams while working as a principal GP in Hertfordshire, UK and returned to NZ to set up a multidisciplinary computerised practice on the Kapiti Coast, offering cradle to grave care including cottage hospital obstetric deliveries. During this time she served as chair of the Wellington faculty and was a member of the RNZCGP council.

Dr Millard completed her Master of General Practice with Distinction through Otago University then moved to regional Australia. She worked in Mackay, North Queensland in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Heath Service and in mainstream general practice in the city and adjacent mining towns. During this time she completed a PhD, studying GP diagnosis and management of dementia in regional Australia where specialist geriatric services are difficult to access. The setting was 80,000 square kilometres of North Queensland.  

Dr Millard was a board member of the Division of General Practice in Mackay, a government funded organisation that supported primary care services. She was appointed Medical Advisor for the organisation, providing educational and workforce support. She was instrumental in linking the Division with the local Indigenous community by successfully tendering for funding to supervise an RACGP project to promote breast and cervical screening in these communities. A tender to pilot the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program was also successful, again linking Indigenous and mainstream services.

She was a board member of the Good Shepherd Aged Care Facility and instrumental in planning for a new young-care service to be included in an expanded aged care facility.

Dr Millard served on many committees and reference groups during her time in Australia including the RACGP National Standing Committee for Research. After a move to Sydney, she worked as a clinical tutor at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney where she holds an adjunct appointment. She is also a conjoint senior lecturer with Newcastle University, New South Wales. She was a GP registrar supervisor for GP Synergy in Sydney and shared her enthusiasm for primary care research by supervising Registrars in research projects within the practice. Her research has been supported by numerous successful research grant applications both in Australia and internationally.

Dr Millard is an energetic, forward thinking GP who enjoys working with other like-minded people.