Dr Tim Malloy's career and contributions
College news
24 August 2018
Dr Tim Malloy |
Dr Tim Malloy studied at the University of Auckland, originally training in paediatrics before moving into rural general practice.
From his base in Wellsford, he and his colleagues have successfully developed a virtual multi-disciplinary integrated family health service, which provides high-quality primary care to the local community – which contains many low income and high-needs patients.
Dr Malloy has been involved in practice leadership since the early 1990s through his involvement with the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network.
He has been actively engaged with the College for many years, initially as a teacher of undergraduates, PGY3 trainees and registrars as well as multi-disciplinary undergraduate teams.
He has also been involved with several significant projects including: negotiating for the Primary Response in Medical Emergencies (PRIME) service; negotiating the ACC rural contract; negotiating the PHO Services Agreement and establishing the New Zealand Locums national locum services for rural GPs.

Left: Tim with 2018 Min. of Health David Clark and CE Helen Morgan-Banda
Right: Tim and Helen presenting GPs' concerns to Parliament
Dr Malloy has provided input and advice into several Ministry of Health working groups and was involved in the formation of the General Practice Leaders’ Forum.
Dr Malloy was the inaugural Chair of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners’ Rural Faculty.
In 2012 he was elected President of the College, and in 2016 he was re-elected for a second term.
His work with the College includes achievements such as securing the employment of registrars; the development of a new curriculum; and initiating minimum quality standards for GPs, and establishing a Memorandum of Understanding between the College and the Cook Islands Ministry of Health in relation to rural training programmes.

Left: Tim at the 2017 Cook Island Health Conference
Right: Tim presents the College's medicinal cannabis position statement to the Health Select Committee
Dr Malloy has been the face of the College advocating for GPs on many issues including:
- A need to review of how primary care funding is allocated (this review has recently been confirmed by the Government)
- Health equity for patients
- Increased GP training numbers
- Workforce capacity and support
He has represented the College at national and international conferences, in the media and parliamentary select committee hearings. He is currently chair of the Primary Response in Medical Emergencies Service, the General Practice Leaders’ Forum and is a contracted providers’ representative for the PHO Services Agreement Amendment Protocol.
In 2018, Dr Malloy was awarded Distinguished Fellowship, an award that recognises the immense contribution he has made to general practice and the College.
The following citation was prepared for his nomination and read at the ceremony:
As well as serving his local community as a practising GP, Dr Tim Malloy has been an outstanding leader and contributor to the College and the primary health care sector. He has tirelessly advocated for better access to quality health care for patients. He has ensured the voice of general practitioners is heard by policy makers and politicians. He has represented the College and its members at both a national and international level – including chairing the PRIME service and the General Practice Leaders’ Forum. His input into GP training, policy development and quality standards has helped build the College’s reputation as a credible authority on general practice.

Tim receiving his Distinguished Fellowship at the 2018 Fellowship and Awards Ceremony