Overseas trained doctors

Nau mai haere mai, welcome. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners welcomes applications from doctors with international qualifications in medicine to begin their training towards Fellowship with the College.

If you completed your training overseas and are currently working in New Zealand, you may be eligible to apply for one of the College’s pathways to Fellowship.

Please note, you must hold a general scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand and be currently practising.

Dr Kim Hurst
UK-born Dr Kim Hurst came to New Zealand in 2010 and enjoys the outdoor aspect of life here, "I really enjoy the cycling community in New Zealand, and we have some amazing rides right on our doorstep," she says.

Recognised training programmes

The College has a reciprocal agreement with The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The Division of Rural Hospital Medicine has a reciprocal agreement with Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

Applying for Prior Specialist Training Pathway to Fellowship  

Step one: Check your qualification is recognised by the College

To apply for our Prior Specialist Training Pathway to Fellowship, you need to have a qualification from an overseas accredited GP training programme that is recognised and approved by the College. (See the College’s recognised programmes below).

If your programme isn’t recognised, please contact the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) for further information.

Step two: Make sure you hold a practising certificate

You must hold a current practising certificate in a general scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand.

Step three: Make sure you hold a current resuscitation certificate

All applicants must have a current Advanced Cardiac Life Support certificate (ACLS). See the list of College-endorsed ACLS courses [PDF]

You must refresh your Advanced Cardiovascular Life Training skills every three years.

Step four: Apply for our Prior Specialist Training pathway

The Prior Specialist Training pathway is open to all doctors who hold one of the qualifications listed in the tables below.

Questions about where you fit?

Email us

Once enrolled there are activities you will need to complete. This will include completing clinical time in New Zealand in a general scope of practice. To do this you must hold a current practising certificate. You must complete:

  1. Different activities depending on whether you have a Group 1 or Group 2 qualification.
  2. Clinical time in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  3. A Fellowship assessment visit.
Group one recognised programmes/qualifications

United Kingdom

Members or Fellows of the Royal College of General Practitioners

Republic of Ireland

Members or Fellows of the Irish College of General Practitioners

Hong Kong

Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians


Certificants in General Practice, Netherlands


Diploma van huisarts Diploma of General Practitioner, Belgium (up to 2007) and Master in de Huisartsgeneeskunde Master in General Practice, Belgium (from 2007)


Certificants in Family Medicine, College of Family Physicians of Canada (if gained with the clinical examination)


Graduates of the Master of Medicine in Family Medicine, Singapore, if held with Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians


Doctors who hold Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and who are no longer current members of that College


DES de Médecine Générale (Diploma in General Practice)


Specialist in general practice/family medicine, Swedish College of General Practice and the Swedish Society of Medicine

Group two recognised programmes/qualifications


Certificants in Family Medicine, College of Family Physicians of Canada (if gained without the clinical examination)


Diplomates of the American Board of Family Medicine (Must hold current Board certification


Graduates of the Master of Medicine in Family Medicine, Singapore

South Africa

Fellows of the College of Family Physicians of South Africa

Step five: Pay your application fee

You need to pay a non-refundable application fee.

Step six: Begin your pathway to Fellowship

If your application is successful, you will be enrolled in the Prior Specialist Training pathway and will need to pay a programme fee. As you progress through the pathway, you will also pay an IPV fee and Fellowship visit fee.

Below are the fees. View the amounts.

  • Group 1 programme fee
  • Group 2 programme fee
  • Group 2 clinical exam (inc mock) fee
  • IPV fee
  • Fellowship visit

If you are unsuccessful 
Often doctors who are unsuccessful applying for the Prior Specialist Training pathway don’t have the right qualifications for this course of study. We recommend that you apply for the General Practice Education Programme (GPEP).

Get in touch 
If you'd like to discuss your situation and find out more detail about the application process, email our International Admissions Advisor.