Membership benefits
When doctors start their training to become specialist GPs (urban or rural) or rural hospital doctors, they become members of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
A collective sense of purpose
Collegiality and networking is made possible through our Chapters and Faculties where members meet locally, or online, for socialising and education. Members can develop leadership and governance skills by being representatives on the National Advisory Council, a Board Apprentice or being nominated to the Board.
College app and savings
The College app provides discounts from well-known brands. You can download the app from Apple App Store and the Android Google Play. Members can create an account using their MCNZ number or College ID.
Ongoing learning
Fellows have access to Te Whanake, the College’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme to log learning to comply with the Medical Council of New Zealand’s recertification requirement. Members also have access to the below professional development resources.
A stronger shared voice
All members have the chance to contribute ideas and experiences to our responses to Government submissions and raise issues that you want the College to advocate for. Membership fees also help fund the role of the College president and medical director who are the voice of the profession to other organisations, government agencies and the media.