Member wellbeing

As specialist GPs and rural hospital doctors you spend your lives caring for your communities. Taking caring of your own health and hauora is vital to being able to do that well.

Whether you’re feeling fatigued and a bit over it, or you’re experiencing burnout, you’ve come to the right place. Frontline healthcare is a complex and demanding profession and balancing increasing workloads, heightened anxiety levels, new processes, and procedures is tough.

These are the support services we offer to make your mahi more manageable.

EAP services

All College registrars and Fellows can use free, confidential EAP Services to access clinical psychologists, counselling, budget and financial advisors, legal advisors, and other professionals.

Counselling and support by GPs for members

The College has developed a list of GPs offering specialist counselling for their GP and rural hospital doctor colleagues. These services are not funded by the College but we’re happy to share contact details if you email

Small Steps

Small Steps is a free, digital resource developed to help people maintain, manage, or improve mental wellbeing. These tools have been developed to help with feelings of anxiety, stress, or low mood. Each tool only takes a few minutes.

Chapter and Faculties

All members have the option to join a Faculty or Chapter. These peer groups are a great way to connect with local colleagues and become part of a professional support network.

Pastoral support

The College’s Medical Director Dr Luke Bradford offers pastoral support to members and practices who are having a difficult time or struggling with specific clinical issues. He is available to talk with members about issues that might be causing them stress, dealing with patient demands, clinical issues, and complaints.

Reset room at GP22
Mental health support is important. At GP22: the conference for general practice we included a reset room so our members had a quiet space to rest, reflect, and recharge.