New Board member: Dr Caroline Christie
Congratulations to Dr Caroline Christie who has been elected as the new College Board member. Dr Christie will take up the role at the College's Annual General Meeting on 22 July 2023.
Dr Christie is a working GP at St Martins Medical Centre in Christchurch and has over 10 years of extensive clinical leadership through roles at Pegasus Health where she is currently the Deputy Chair, as well as her previous role at BPAC NZ as Director.
Dr Christie says primary care is rapidly changing.
"In recent times we've seen recurrent natural disasters including cyclones, flooding, earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, snow, fire, and a global pandemic.
"We need robust systems in place to adapt to rapid change. There have been many learnings in Canterbury that are being shared across the motu. We need to continue to work collectively to plan for future disruptions,” says Dr Christie.
Improving patient outcomes is a top priority for all specialist GPs, and Dr Christie believes this can be achieved by:
- promoting the value of general practice
- addressing workforce sustainability
- addressing health inequity
- advocating for a funding model that reflects increasing complexity of patient care
- adapting models of care beyond the 15-minute consult.
The College acknowledges Dr Anivia Lawrence, who ran alongside Dr Christie and thanks her for her interest in the role.