LARC ‘Train-the-trainer’ (TTT) courses

The New Zealand College of Sexual and Reproductive Health (NZCSRH) are providing 'train the trainer' courses in LARC procedures for health practitioners competent in these procedures, as per the Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Health Practitioner Training Principles and Standards. These courses have RNZCGP endorsement.

Upon completion of the training, your practice trainer(s) can provide training in LARC procedures to others in your practice. If your practice meets the Te Whatu Ora requirements but cannot send a participant to this training, funding is available for a LARC trainer to visit your practice and conduct training in LARC procedures.

The aim of this initiative is to increase workforce capability in primary care and improve access to LARCs. Upon completion of the training, your practice trainer can provide training in LARC procedures to others in your practice.

Some practices will be funded for their training

Te Whatu Ora has selected 303 practices to be funded for training to ensure health equity and greater access to services for priority communities.

Priority for this funding is given to practices that predominantly serve low decile, Māori, Pacific, or youth-enrolled populations.

Non funded practices

NZCSRH also provide training for non-funded practices. View the NZCSRH website for more information including cost, eligibility criteria and course dates.

Also in this category


Access to Primary health services and dental care

Information was provided for this report developed by Aroturuki Tamariki, January 2024

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Companion Statement on Vitamin D and Sun Exposure in Pregnancy and Infancy

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LARC: Health Practitioner Training Principles and Standards

The Long-acting Reversible Contraception: Health Practitioner Training Principles and Standards and the Long-acting Reversible Contraception: Principles and Standards for Trainers were produced as a part of the Ministry’s contraceptive access and equity initiative to reduce the disparity of contraceptive access.

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