Frequently Asked Questions about our GPEP fees, how they are invoiced and how it affects you as a registrar when going on hold or withdrawing.

Paying your fees

  • I’m in a difficult financial situation and cannot pay the training fee. Could you invoice my employer directly?

    The College cannot invoice your employer (e.g. DHB/PHO) as our training contract is with the individual registrar, however, you can ask your employer to pay the invoice on your behalf.

  • If I have a credit on my learning account, can it be applied to my membership invoice?

    Yes, we can transfer credit from your learning or membership account and apply it to other unpaid invoice(s). You will need to email with your College ID, the amount you want to transfer, and the invoice you’d like it applied to.

  • I’m ready to sit my Fellowship assessment before the end of the period I was invoiced for, and my fees are still unpaid. Will I get a credit?

    All learning and membership subscription invoices must be paid for you to remain in financial good standing with the College, and before you can attain Fellowship. If you achieve Fellowship partway through the quarter, the College will credit the quarterly invoice up to the date you attained Fellowship and refund you.

  • I did my Fellowship assessment last week and am awaiting my results. Do I still need to pay my quarterly invoice?

    Technically you are still in the learning programme until you obtain Fellowship, so your quarterly invoice needs to be paid by the due date. Once you have been awarded Fellowship our accounts team will be able to issue a credit note that reflects your time as a registrar in that quarter which will reduce the amount.

Your invoice

  • I'm restarting in GPEP year 2 in April after being on parental leave. What periods will I be invoiced for?

    You will be billed for only one month in quarter one, and then quarterly starting from May. The quarterly dates are as follows:

    • Q1: 1 February - 30 April
    • Q2: 1 May - 31 July
    • Q3: 1 August - 31 October
    • Q4: 1 November - 31 January
  • I'm working part-time. Why did you invoice the full fee for my GPEP training programme?

    Completing clinical time is just one component of the GPEP requirements. Your membership fees account for your full-time or part-time status.

    For your training fees, regardless of how many tenths you are working if you are active in GPEP, you are expected to complete the rest of your formative components while active and as allocated. You remain in each stage of GPEP for 12 calendar months, regardless of whether you are working full-time or part-time.

  • Why can't I see my GPEP or RHMTP invoices on my College dashboard?

    On your College dashboard, you can see only your membership subscription invoices, receipts, and statements.

    Learning invoices are produced from our accounting system. Invoices and receipts are emailed to you once the document is created. Please check your email for the standard subject lines, such as:

    RNZCGP GPEP invoice attached - Ref:
    RNZCGP Credit memo attached – Ref:
    RNZCGP Monthly statement attached - Ref:
    RNZCGP Receipt attached – Ref:

    Copies can also be emailed to you upon request. Please email with your College ID to request a copy of an invoice.

  • Can I get an annual invoice rather than quarterly?

    Due to system limitations, the decision was made by the College to move to quarterly invoicing. We are unable to provide you with an annual invoice.

Going on hold or withdrawing from the programme

  • What happens if I need to take a break from the training programme?

    You have the option to put your training in the General Practice Education Programme (GPEP) on hold for up to 36 months cumulative total. This may be due to taking parental leave, taking an extended break away overseas, to attend to a personal health matter or support a loved one. Another reason for putting your GPEP training on hold could include being a dual trainee and completing your rural hospital medicine training.

    To put your training on hold you will need to fill in the 'on hold' form that can also be found on Te Ara and email it to The team can also answer any other questions you have about putting your training on hold, and the process for restarting your training when you are ready.

    Please note you may need to enrol in AMP or bpac with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) if you are still working while your training is on hold.

  • I put my training on hold after receiving the quarterly invoice. Am I required to pay it while on hold?

    If you have been invoiced and paid your learning fees in advance, we will hold these in credit until you return to the programme.

  • I put my training on hold after receiving the quarterly invoice. Can you backdate the hold period?

    The hold period takes effect from when you contact us, so we are unable to backdate it. Your Annual Practising Certificate requires that you are always practicing under appropriate supervision or participating in CPD. It is your responsibility to advise the College immediately when there is a change to your working or training situation. This is consistent with the expectation for College membership.

  • If I go on hold, will I get a refund or credit on my outstanding invoice?

    The College will not refund or credit any retrospective on holds (unless extenuating circumstances exist). If you have been in the programme for two of the three months in that quarter, we will only credit one month to your account. Your Annual Practising Certificate requires that you are always practicing under appropriate supervision or participating in CPD. It is your responsibility to advise the College immediately when there is a change to your working or training situation. This is consistent with the expectation for College membership.

  • Will my fees remain the same when I return from being on hold?

    If a fee review has taken place since going on hold, learning fees will be adjusted to the fees effective on your return date.

  • I put my training on hold. Why am I still getting billed for membership fees?

    If you are still working while your training is on hold you will still need to pay your membership fees. If you are working over 6 tenths you will be invoiced at the full membership rate. View the list of membership fees.

  • What happens to my fees if I withdraw from the programme?

    If you withdraw from the programme, refunds for any fees held in excess will be paid to you once the College has received proof of your bank account. We will deduct any active months you have been in the programme and any outstanding fees that are still owed.

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