The Foundation Standard request for short term exemptions

To maintain quality assurance of the Foundation Standard, it is expected that practices meet all the indicator requirements to achieve Foundation Standard certification. Some situations beyond the practice’s immediate control could stall their certification and for this reason, the College has created a short term exemption process. Practices can request a short term exemption when the requirements needed to meet Foundation Standard will cause a lengthy delay to their assessment and certification. Examples of exemptions include a piece of equipment which requires budgeting for, such as an AED or training which has been booked but is not immediately available, such as CPR training. Other examples may include an approved fire evacuation scheme or police vetting which have been applied for but not approved. Practices should provide a clear rationale for their short term exemption and attach evidence to show they have applied for or booked items or training.

If an exemption is approved, the practice needs to complete the outstanding requirement within the agreed timeframe, upload the evidence to Smartsheet, and email the Quality Team at

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