Te Whanake CPD programme requirements

The Te Whanake programme takes place over a triennium (three years) to allow Fellows the opportunity to focus their learning activities on different areas of their practice during each annual period and to ensure they have a balanced outcome of learning at the end of the triennium.

Programme requirements

Programme requirements include:

  • A minimum of 96 credits over the triennium across four learning categories
    • Medical education
    • Cultural safety and equity
    • Patient outcomes
    • Reviewing practice
  • Reflections on learning activities
  • Annual goal setting
  • Annual structured conversation due by the end of each learning year

A range of CPD resources are available from your Te Whanake dashboard.

Te Whanake CPD recertification policy and credit requirements

The objectives of the CPD Recertification Policy (below) are to set out the principles that guide how we support members with their CPD and outline the College processes for members who fall behind in their CPD.

Members are expected to complete the annual requirements and regularly engage with the programme.

If a member falls behind on credit requirements and is unable to remedy this after being contacted to update their programme, they may be referred to MCNZ for not meeting recertification requirements.

The credit totals considered to be ‘on-track’ at a given point can be found in the Te Whanake CPD credit requirements document below.


If you have any questions please email the CPD team at CPD@rnzcgp.org.nz

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