6.3 After hours care
6.3 After hours care information
Practice's that don't provide after-hours care needs to direct patients to alternative after-hours care options.
Standard - what we'll be assessing on | Evidence to provide for assessment |
The practice provides patients with information on how to access after-hours care. |
Signage, including a patient portal notice, website information, social media page information, patient information sheets and an answer phone service. |
Ways to tell patients about after hours providers
- a poster/signage on the front door/window and/or in the waiting area (include an address, phone number and preferably a map)
- an after-hours message on the answer phone
- an section in the practice’s patient information pamphlet
- a section on the practice's website (includes address and contact info)
In some regions, especially urban areas, practices will be able to provide telephone access to the after-hours services using one call. At a minimum, patients need to be able to access the after-hours service using a maximum of two calls.