Specialise as a general practitioner
Applications open
We're currently taking applications for the General Practice Education Programme. Find out more about the application process and submit your application.
Applications close at 12.00pm on Tuesday 8 April 2025.
Successful applicants will be sent conditional offers of training in June/July 2025.
GPEP year 1 starts in January 2026.
The mahi of a GP
As a specialist GP, you will do great things for the health of Aotearoa and the wellbeing of its many communities. No workday will be the same, but every day will be filled with the stories of people from all backgrounds and experiences.
You will make long-lasting connections with these people and work through complex yet rewarding challenges in helping them manage their health.
To practise as a GP and become a Fellow of the College you need to complete the General Practice Education Programme (GPEP), the College's vocational training programme.
Pātai about GPEP?
Email us at GPEPapplications@rnzcgp.org.nz