Why general practice?

Build meaningful connections with people

Every day, people of all ages, backgrounds, whakapapa, and beliefs will open your door and step into your clinic. Within the wider context of their community and whānau, you will help these people manage their health, replenish their wairua, and you will build strong relationships with them.

Kia ngākau mahaki

For many people, you will be ‘their doctor’ and be a meaningful part of their life. As a GP, you will be able to work in your community to deliver more equitable health care for Aotearoa New Zealand.

I have a passion for supporting our own people to have good health.

Dr Lily Fraser, College Fellow

Learn every day

You will work creatively, collaboratively, and with your eyes open for both the smallest detail and the bigger picture. You will listen closely, kōrero with your patients, and use your training to diagnose and work together on their treatment plans. In the mahi of a GP, you will learn something new every day.

Lead a flexible working life

You will be in demand. The flexible work hours of this job mean you can pursue other clinical interests like minor surgery, cosmetic surgery, or skin cancer, represent the voice of general practice, or spend more time with your whānau.